Open Access Educational Resources
o Coursera
Coursera has hundreds of free open online classes. Supplement your education with free courses online.
o Curriki
Curriki is a non-profit global community for teachers, students, and parents for open-learning resources. The materials are varied in subject and cover many levels.
From Microsoft Office and email to reading, math, and more, offers over 250 topics, including lessons, videos, interactives, and games for free.
Khan Academy has free lectures, videos, and exercises in many subject areas to help supplement or further your education for free online. Sign-up is required, but free. Subjects include mathematics, physics, economics, art history, computing and coding, biology, and more.
Free downloadable course materials. You can reuse them in your courses with attribution.
o MITx
Browse free online courses in a variety of subjects. Massachusetts Institute of Technology courses found below can be audited free or students can choose to receive a verified certificate for a small fee
OER (Open Educational Resources) Commons has a range of materials for K-12, college, and adult education. Courses with discussion materials are available as well as individual textbooks.
o OERu
Take university-level courses for free!
Open Course Library (OCL) offers collections of course materials that cost $30 or less for our 81 highest enrolled courses. OCL courses and materials have undergone testing for accessibility and have been designed using the industry-standard Quality Matters (QM) rubric assessing the quality of online courses. The Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (U.S.) manages the site.
Focuses on OER course materials for higher education. It's more international than some of the other OER sites.
o Open Education Repository from the University of the South Pacific
Get an overview of a research topic: knowledge maps provide an instant overview of a topic by showing the main areas up front, and papers related to each area.
Free courses in Money & Business; Education & Development; Health, Sports & Psychology; History & The Arts; Languages; Nature & Environment; Science, Maths & Technology; Society, Politics & Law; and Digital & Computing.
Materials from Carnegie Mellon University. Full access to most resources requires a free instructor account.
Discover scientific knowledge and stay connected to the world of science. Not an OER.
Free open courses for people everywhere.
A listing of North American OER policies and projects.
Wikiversity is a Wikimedia Foundation project devoted to learning resources, learning projects, and research for use in all levels, types, and styles of education from preschool to university, including professional training and informal learning.